KaseKarma is a Cerebral Palsy Community, Built with your Child’s Future in Mind.

Our mission

KaseKarma’s mission is clear; be the first creator community for cerebral palsy.

As a social good company, our mission is to be the first creator community for cerebral palsy! Our creators consist of CP Moms, Parents, Influencers,and anyone else that wants to create relevant content for the community. As a content-driven community, we offer opportunities for our creators to earn money in exchange for content! This allows our creators an additional income stream to support their children and family in need.

Become a Creator

How it works

Learn How KaseKarma Leads are Generated

Creator Program

Our Creator partners generate resourceful content for the community, such as their stories, product reviews, and FREE Case Reviews.


Join our online Facebook group to speak with other parents of children with cerebral Palsy!

FREE Case Reviews

We help parents connect with our Cerebral Palsy Attorney Network for FREE Case Reviews. It’s important our community has a lifeline and secure a lifecare plan for their child with cerebral palsy.

Resources & Giveaways

Receive resources such as e-books, news, and the latest information about Cerebral Palsy. Participate in opportunities to receive adaptive toys and or gift cards.